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Сообщения за август, 2019

Урок 3 (третий урок) - слова | Lesson 3 (vocabulary training)

Пора познакомиться с новыми словами и пополнить свой словарный запас. У вас получится! Time to learn new Russian words and add them to your vocabulary.  You can do it! Учить слова | Learn new words

Two things to keep in mind about Russian IC #2 | 2 вещи об ИК-2

When you need to get information about someone, his or her name, you ask: Кто это? Who is that?  Listen | Слушайте Как вас зовут ? What is your name?  Listen | Слушайте Кто is the interrogative pronoun, we use it only when ask about animate nouns (people, animals). Use IC #2 when ask about someone: кто это? Как вас / тебя зовут? (use тебя when you talk to a person of your age or animal and вас when you address someone older than you are) . So, back to 2 things you should know about this intonation construction (prosody): 1. IC #2 is the intonation of special question . Such words as кто, как, когда, где indicate that kind of questions. When you need to get information about the time, use the interrogative когда, for place - где. 2. Stressed part in IC #2 is pronounced with a little increasing of tone in the part which specifies the thing you ask about , then the tone goes down . Как вас зовут? Кто это? Кто там? Кто здесь? Let's watch and listen :) Задан...