Russian words consist of syllables. A syllable is a sound or group of sounds which are pronounced in one blow: и, он, па-па, лам-па > Слушайте | Listen Any syllable includes vowel. You can count the number of syllables in the word by counting vowels: лес (1), дом (1), снег (1) мама (2), книга (2) > Слушайте | Listen Syllables can be stressed and unstressed. In the words containing one syllable the only vowel is accented. Т а м , зд е сь , бл о г > Слушайте | Listen Longer words containing 2, 3 and more syllables have one stressed syllable and other syllables are unstressed: ма́-ма, ка́р-та, лу-на́ > Слушайте | Listen Russian stress is not fixed. Stress defines meanings of words. When you say any word, all sounds in it go one by one, and a stressed syllable sounds more clear. Learning tip #1: every new word you’d better learn with stress. Put new words down in your own dictionary with str...