There are
33 letters in Russian alphabet.
Some letters give more than one sound.
Слушать алфавит | Listen to the alphabeth
If you are curious as cat and would like to know about the history of Russian alphabeth, visit this page. On that site you can find as well words depicting Russian letters: it's here.
Слушать алфавит | Listen to the alphabeth
If you are curious as cat and would like to know about the history of Russian alphabeth, visit this page. On that site you can find as well words depicting Russian letters: it's here.
Letters Ь and Ъ don’t produce any special sound themselves. They make the previous consonants sound softer (in case of ь) or harder (in case of ъ).
Learning tips:
make sure to learn the how Russian printed and handwritten letters look like.
In Russian reality you can see store signs or other important signs and information written in
Here is a song for you to make it memorise:
Задание для всех. Прочитайте русский алфавит несколько раз. Запишите на диктофон. Прослушайте запись. Опубликуйте ссылку на свою запись.
Задание для творческих и любопытных студентов. Разбейтесь на группы или сделайте это самостоятельно.
Вариант 1. Вспомните вашу любимую песню и пропойте русский
алфавит под неё. Запишите на диктофон и опубликуйте в комментарии ниже.
Вариант 2. Прочитайте рэп (вместо слов используйте буквы
русского алфавита) и запишите на диктофон. Опубликуйте запись в комментариях
Вы можете выполнить данное задание всей группой и снять
видео. Только представьте, это будет ваше совместное творчество на русском
Task for all. Read Russian alphabeth for some times. Make a record and listen to it. Publish your track in the comments below.
Task for creative and curious students. Break into groups or do it yourself.
Task for creative and curious students. Break into groups or do it yourself.
Option 1.
Remember your favorite song and sing the Russian alphabet using the rhythm and melody. Record your
voice and post in the comments below.
Option 2.
Read the rap (instead of words use the letters of the Russian alphabet) and
record your voice. Post the track in the comments below.
You can
perform this task as a group and make a video. Just imagine this is your first
joint creative work in Russian!
Any tips? Let's licten to the examples :) By the way, I'm not a singer or artist, it's ok - we are all learning something new here.
Version 1
Version 2
I picked my favorite songs for taking rhythm.
You can find and download them here:
Rhythm 1
Rhythm 2
Any tips? Let's licten to the examples :) By the way, I'm not a singer or artist, it's ok - we are all learning something new here.
Version 1
Version 2
I picked my favorite songs for taking rhythm.
You can find and download them here:
Rhythm 1
Rhythm 2
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