К основному контенту

Russian stress. IC#1 | Русское ударение. ИК-1

Russian words consist of syllables. 
A syllable is a sound or group of sounds which are pronounced in one blow:
и, он, па-па, лам-па > Слушайте | Listen

Any syllable includes vowel. 
You can count the number of syllables in the word by counting vowels:
лес (1), дом (1), снег (1)
мама (2), книга (2) Слушайте | Listen

Syllables can be stressed and unstressed. In the words containing one syllable the only vowel is accented.
Там, здесь, блогСлушайте | Listen

Longer words containing 2, 3 and more syllables have one stressed syllable and other syllables are unstressed:
ма́-ма, ка́р-та, лу-на́ > Слушайте | Listen

Russian stress is not fixed. Stress defines meanings of words.
When you say any word, all sounds in it go one by one, and a stressed syllable sounds more clear.

Learning tip #1: every new word you’d better learn with stress. Put new words down in your own dictionary with stress sign, pronounce the word while you are writing it.
Learning tip #2: if you see the word with vowel ё, it is surely the one stressed sound in the word
да-лё-кий > Слушайте | Listen

Vowels [и],[ы],[у] in unstressed syllables don’t change but sound shorter (1:3):
лу-на́, иг-ла́ > Слушайте | Listen

Vowels [а],[о],[э] in unstressed position change the quality of sound. That change is named reduction and unstressed vowels are named reduced vowels.

Reduced vowels [а] and [о] in unstressed syllables sound as short [а] and is signed as [α].
фо́то [фо́тα
до́ма [до́мα] Слушайте | Listen

There are some ways to express the meaning of words and phrases in Russian. Stress and intonation are the main things you should know to understand Russian speech and to be understood. There are many intonational constructions in Russian language. Let's begin with the first IC (intonational construction). IC#1. It's the way declarative statements sound in Russian. Declarative statements are called the statements of full stop. They sound as your middle tone during all the phrase and the tone goes lower in the end. Here is an audio to illustrate Russian stress and IC#1

Задание. Прослушайте аудио и напишите текст в комментарии.

Task. Listen to the audiofile below and write the text you've heard in the comment. 

Слушайте | Listen


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