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ЖИ-ШИ: пиши с И, говори Ы | ЖИ-ШИ: write И say Ы

Ж/Ш + И Согласные звуки [ж] и [ш] в русском языке всегда твёрдые. Поэтому когда на письме после Ж / Ш идёт буква и, читать и произносить её надо как [ы]. Russian consonants [ ж ] and [ ш ] always sound hard. So there is a rule that after letters ж or ш we write и but read it as [ ы ]. В третьем уроке у вас есть слова: In the third lesson you can find words: жир – [жыр]   / fat / машина – [ машына ] /a car or machinery or equipment/ Ж в конце слова Ж in the end of words Ж конце слова в русском языке звучит как [ш]. Ж in the end of words sounds as [ ш ]. Сравните: нож – карандаш [ш] / a knife – a pencil / Ж + глухой согласный | Ж + unvoiced consonant Ж в середине слова перед глухим согласным читаем как [ш]. In the middle of word we read Ж in position before unvoiced consonants as [ ш ]. Ложка – [ лошка ] /a spoon/ Запомнили? А теперь пора улыбнуться. Посмотрите на фото и прочтите: Have you memorised these rules? Time to sm...
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Happy birthday to Ё! | День рождения буквы Ё

"Ё" – буква русского и белорусского алфавита, которая используется также и в некоторых неславянских алфавитах, например, казахском, киргизском, монгольском, таджикском, чувашском и удмуртском. "Ё" is a letter of the Russian and Belarusian alphabet, which is also used in some non-Slavic alphabets, for example, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Tajik, Chuvash and Udmurt.

Language art objects: Vladimir Dal and his "Dictionary"

November, 2019. A monument to the "Explanatory dictionary of the alive great Russian language" was opened in Russia, in the city of Orenburg in honor of the birthday of the lexicographer Vladimir D al. "Explanatory dictionary" - the main work of the scientist, the first edition consisted of 4 (four) volumes.

Урок 3 (третий урок) - слова | Lesson 3 (vocabulary training)

Пора познакомиться с новыми словами и пополнить свой словарный запас. У вас получится! Time to learn new Russian words and add them to your vocabulary.  You can do it! Учить слова | Learn new words

Two things to keep in mind about Russian IC #2 | 2 вещи об ИК-2

When you need to get information about someone, his or her name, you ask: Кто это? Who is that?  Listen | Слушайте Как вас зовут ? What is your name?  Listen | Слушайте Кто is the interrogative pronoun, we use it only when ask about animate nouns (people, animals). Use IC #2 when ask about someone: кто это? Как вас / тебя зовут? (use тебя when you talk to a person of your age or animal and вас when you address someone older than you are) . So, back to 2 things you should know about this intonation construction (prosody): 1. IC #2 is the intonation of special question . Such words as кто, как, когда, где indicate that kind of questions. When you need to get information about the time, use the interrogative когда, for place - где. 2. Stressed part in IC #2 is pronounced with a little increasing of tone in the part which specifies the thing you ask about , then the tone goes down . Как вас зовут? Кто это? Кто там? Кто здесь? Let's watch and listen :) Задан...

3 genders of nouns and how to detect them | 3 рода существительных и как их определить

So, back to gender aspect of Russian nouns. You can recognize gender in most of cases easily just looking at the end letter of the word (it's important to take nominative forms for that work). And keep in mind that _all_ Russian nouns have gender, animate and inanimate .

3 essential things to know about Russian nouns | 3 важные вещи, которые нужно знать о существительных

Hello, guys. Today let's talk about nouns, the important part of speech which has some peculiarities in Russian. We need nouns when speak about things, people, facts, animals, art, whatever you like. So what is important about nouns when you learn Russian?