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3 essential things to know about Russian nouns | 3 важные вещи, которые нужно знать о существительных

Hello, guys. Today let's talk about nouns, the important part of speech which has some peculiarities in Russian. We need nouns when speak about things, people, facts, animals, art, whatever you like. So what is important about nouns when you learn Russian?

1. Russian nouns have gender. I know in other languages it can be different. Why is it important for Russian language? Nouns have gender and if they have adjective by their side in the sentence, the adjective gets the same gender as noun. Later I will tell how to figure out the gender of noun. Russian nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. It is so both for animate and inanimate nouns.
For example: 
Земля (Earth) - существительное женского рода (noun of feminine gender).
Университет (university) - существительное мужского рода (noun of masculine gender).
Небо (sky) - существительное среднего рода (noun of neuter gender).

2. Russian nouns have number (can be plural or singular).
For example:
Университет - университеты. 
[singular]            [plural]

3. Russian nouns have cases. There are 6 cases in Russian language.

Later you will learn more about the way words relate to each other in Russian phrase. Some parts of speech in the sentence are related to noun the grammatical subject (take the noun's gender and number) and some are related to the verb. In order to speak a good Russian you need to keep in mind the noun's gender, number and case.

So what about your language? Do nouns in your language have gender, number and cases? Write your answer in the comments below, that will be interesting to compare. 


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