Today is the sixth of June, a great holiday in Russia. 220 (two hundred twenty) years ago the great Russian poet, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born.
В Захарово, имении бабушки Пушкина, не было церкви. Именно здесь маленький Саша Пушкин впервые увидел красоту русской природы, крестьянские хороводы,
услышал народные песни, увидел жизнь дворянства, здесь он начал писать свои первые стихи.
I went to Bolshie Vyazemy manor. This is the place where little Pushkin spent his childhood. He went to the Church of the Transfiguration with his grandmother. In Zakharovo, a manor of Pushkin's grandmother, there was no church. It was here that little Sasha Pushkin for the first time had seen the beauty of Russian nature, peasant dances, heard folk songs, saw the life of the noble, here he began to write his first poems.
В усадьбе Вязёмы каждый год проводят пушкинский фестиваль. В этот день проходит выставка детских рисунков. Здесь вы видите персонажей пушкинских сказок.
Pushkin's festival is held in Bolshie Vyazemy every year. On this day, an exhibition of children's drawings is traditionally held.
Here you can see the characters from Pushkin's fairy tales.
"Сказка о Попе и его работнике Балде"
Портрет поэта
The poet's portrait
Золотая рыбка из "Сказки о рыбаке и рыбке"
Goldfish from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Poets read poems about Pushkin. All who speak and think in Russian even now admire works by Alexandex Sergeevich. This time in the glade of fairy tales the authors of the literary Association "Serpeyka" of Moscow region acted.
On the big stage 22 (twenty-two) regional theaters showed excerpts of performances based on the works of Alexander Pushkin. You can see the decoration for "Ruslan and Lyudmila" performance.
Dressed actors are walking along alleys. These lovely young ladies in dresses of Pushkin time agreed to be photographed.
В музее хранятся уникальные предметы усадебной культуры XVII—XIX веков.
The Museum holds unique objects of manor culture of XVII—XIX centuries.
День рождения Пушкина считают днём русского языка.
Pushkin's birthday is considered to be the day of Russian language.
Подумайте и скажите, какой писатель или поэт ассоциируется с вашим родным языком?
Вы любите произведения этого автора?
Какие произведения вы порекомендуете прочитать вашим одногруппникам?
У вас на родине проводят фестивали в его честь?
Напишите об этом в комментариях ниже.
Think and tell, which writer or poet is associated with your native language?
Do you like the works of this author?
Which works do you recommend for your classmates to read?
Are there the festivals in his or her name held in your country?
Write about it in the comments below.
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